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- Set Item Prices
- ÀáChanging a PriceÀá
- All items that you sell are listed. If an item is not listed and should be, go to
- Items List, select the item and check 'I Sell this Item.' The current selling
- price is listed in the optional selling information.
- Selling Price is the default price for one selling unit (see Items List Help) on the
- item invoice.
- ÀáNote:Àá When you set the price of an item, you are just setting the default price for
- the item invoice. You may override the price when completing an invoice.
- M.Y.O.B. accepts unit prices up to 3 decimals. On the invoice, it multiplies the
- unit price by the quantity sold before rounding to pennies.
- For your information, you may choose to see each item’s average cost or last
- purchase price. If the item was transferred into inventory rather than bought,
- the last transfer price is displayed.
- ÀáSelecting an Item for Pricing ShortcutsÀá
- Change a price directly or click the Shortcut column. When you click the
- Shortcut column a checkmark appears, signifying that the item is selected for
- pricing shortcuts. Click the checkmark again to deselect the item. When you
- click √ Shortcuts, you have the option of changing all prices or just those you’ve
- checked.
- ÀáPricing ShortcutsÀá
- You can set the item prices based upon percent margin, percent markup or gross
- profit. You can calculate percent margin or percent markup using the average
- cost or the last cost of the item.
- See your User's Guide for the percent margin, percent markup and gross profit
- calculations.
- ÀáBasis for CalculationÀá
- The cost of the product is key to calculating margin, markup and gross profit.
- You can use either the average cost of an item or its last cost. Average cost is
- calculated by M.Y.O.B. It is the total cost of the item (what you paid when you
- purchased the item or the cost entered when you transferred the item into
- inventory) divided by the number of units on hand. Last cost is the purchase
- price on the most recent purchase. If the most recent item activity is an
- inventory transfer, the unit transfer cost is used.
- ÀáUse Calculated PriceÀá
- Once the price of an item is calculated using your choice of percent margin,
- percent markup or gross profit, you can use the price or adjust it. If you want
- the calculated price, click the radio button next to Use Calculated Price.
- ÀáMake Price a Multiple of...Àá
- Enter, for example, 25 cents ($.25) and M.Y.O.B. makes the price a multiple of
- 25 cents. All item prices will end in .00, .25, .50 or .75.
- ÀáMake Price End in...Àá
- If, for example, you want all your prices to end in 99 cents, enter $.99.
- ÀáRound Prices to...Àá
- You can tell M.Y.O.B. whether to round the calculated price up, down or to the
- nearest requested price.
- For example, you asked that all prices end in 99 cents and M.Y.O.B. calculates
- the price of an item to $24.76. If you choose to round down, the price is set to
- $23.99. If you choose to round up, it is set to $24.99. If you choose to round to
- nearest, it is set to $24.99.
- Click Update All Items and all selling prices are adjusted. Click Update ‚àö Items
- and only the checked items are adjusted.